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Rent, Flats, 1+1, 30m2

Type: rent flats Praha 2 Nusle

Condition of the apartment: after reconstrunction

17 000,- Kč

Rent, Flats, 3+kk, 120m2

Type: rent flats Radonice Radonice

Condition of the apartment: new building

28 000,- Kč

Rent, Flats, 3+kk, 76m2

Type: rent flats Praha 4 Nusle

Condition of the apartment: after reconstrunction

28 000,- Kč

Rent, Houses, Family, 250m2

Type: rent houses Průhonice Průhonice

Condition of the house: after reconstrunction

55 000,- Kč

Rent, Accommodation, 600m2

Type: rent accommodation Heřmanice

Condition of property: after reconstrunction

Information about price at Realtor

Rent, Flats, 4+1, 150m2

Type: rent flats Praha 2 Nové Město

Condition of the apartment: good

98 000,- Kč

Rent, Accommodation, 600m2

Type: rent accommodation Heřmanice

Condition of property: after reconstrunction

Information about price at Realtor

Pronájem garážové stání, Brno - střed, okr. Brno - město

Type: rent garage parking Brno-Zábrdovice

Condition of property: very good

2 500,- Kč

Rent, Flats, 1+1, 40m2

Type: rent flats Brno-Holásky

Condition of the apartment: good

7 000,- Kč

Rent, Flats, 1+kk, 60m2

Type: rent flats Roštín

Condition of the apartment: good

15 500,- Kč

Rent, Flats, 1+kk, 60m2

Type: rent flats Roštín

Condition of the apartment: good

16 500,- Kč

Rent, Flats, 3+1, 100m2

Type: rent flats Buchlovice

Condition of the apartment: very good

14 000,- Kč

Rent, Flats, 3+kk, 68m2

Type: rent flats Ždánice

Condition of the apartment: very good

22 500,- Kč

Rent, Flats, 2+kk, 29m2

Type: rent flats Ždánice

Condition of the apartment: very good

18 000,- Kč

Rent, Flats, 1+kk, 29m2

Type: rent flats Ždánice

Condition of the apartment: very good

13 500,- Kč
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