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Rent, Offices, 38m2

Type: rent offices Brno-Trnitá

Condition of the office: very good

10 450,- Kč

Rent, Offices, 35m2

Type: rent offices Brno-Brno-město

Condition of the office: very good

16 728,- Kč

Rent, Business sites, 13m2

Type: rent business sites Brno-Brno-město

Condition of property: very good

7 900,- Kč

Rent, Offices, 56m2

Type: rent offices Brno-Zábrdovice

Condition of the office: good

9 140,- Kč

Sale, Houses for hire, 220m2

Type: sale houses for hire Brno-Bosonohy

Condition of property: good

14 900 000,- Kč

Sale, Business sites, 31m2

Type: sale business sites Brno-Žabovřesky

Condition of property: very good

2 400 000,- Kč

Rent, Production, 250m2

Type: rent production Brno

Condition of property: before reconstruction

35 000,- Kč

Rent, Business sites, 250m2

Type: rent business sites Brno

Condition of property: before reconstruction

35 000,- Kč

Rent, Business sites, 30m2

Type: rent business sites Brno-Slatina

Condition of property: very good

13 200,- Kč

Sale, Business sites, 174m2

Type: sale business sites Brno-Horní Heršpice

Condition of property: new building

11 908 099,- Kč

Rent, Others, 165m2

Type: rent other commercial properties and estates Brno-Ponava

Condition of property: very good

39 700,- Kč

Rent, Business sites, 451m2

Type: rent business sites Brno-Brno-město

Condition of property: good

Information about price at Realtor

Sale, Business sites, 30m2

Type: sale business sites Brno-Bystrc

Condition of property: good

690 000,- Kč

Rent, Offices, 20m2

Type: rent offices Brno-Komín

Condition of the office: very good

Discount 35%
8 500,- Kč
5 500,- Kč

Rent, Offices, 16m2

Type: rent offices Brno-Trnitá

Condition of the office: very good

2 580,- Kč
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