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Sale, Flats, 2+1, 51m2

Type: sale flats Řetenice

Condition of the apartment: very good

1 399 000,- Kč

Sale, Flats, 3+1, 69m2

Type: sale flats Teplice

Condition of the apartment: after reconstrunction

Discount 9%
2 650 000,- Kč
2 399 000,- Kč

Sale, Flats, 3+1, 73m2

Type: sale flats Prosetice

Condition of the apartment: after reconstrunction

1 380 000,- Kč

Sale, Flats, 3+1, 81m2

Type: sale flats Dubí

Condition of the apartment: good

1 980 000,- Kč

Sale, Flats, 1+kk, 21m2

Type: sale flats Řetenice

Condition of the apartment: after reconstrunction

Discount 8%
600 000,- Kč
550 000,- Kč

Sale, Flats, 3+1, 68m2

Type: sale flats Prosetice

Condition of the apartment: very good

Discount 13%
1 675 000,- Kč
1 460 000,- Kč

Sale, Flats, 3+1, 59m2

Type: sale flats Prosetice

Condition of the apartment: very good

1 750 000,- Kč

Sale, Flats, 3+1, 0m2

Type: sale flats Krupka

Condition of the apartment: good

950 000,- Kč

Sale, Flats, 3+1, 61m2

Type: sale flats Teplice

Condition of the apartment: very good

Information about price at Realtor

Sale, Flats, 5+1, 0m2

Type: sale flats Teplice

Condition of the apartment: good

4 200 000,- Kč

Sale, Flats, 3+kk, 0m2

Type: sale flats Krupka

Condition of the apartment: after reconstrunction

909 000,- Kč

Sale, Flats, 1+kk, 0m2

Type: sale flats Hrob

Condition of the apartment: good

860 000,- Kč

Sale, Flats, 2+1, 0m2

Type: sale flats Teplice

Condition of the apartment: good

Discount 5%
1 270 000,- Kč
1 210 000,- Kč

Sale, Flats, 1+kk, 32m2

Type: sale flats Teplice

Condition of the apartment: very good

Discount 4%
830 000,- Kč
799 000,- Kč
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