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Rent, Business sites, 554m2

Type: rent business sites Praha 4 Krč

Condition of property: very good

432,- Kč

Rent, Stores, 1m2

Type: rent stores Plzeň-Východní Předměstí

Condition of the store: good

360,- Kč

Rent, Stores, 10m2

Type: rent stores Plzeň-Východní Předměstí

Condition of the store: good

3 600,- Kč

Rent, Flats, 2+kk, 58m2

Type: rent flats Praha 4 Praha 4

Condition of the apartment: new building

28 000,- Kč

Rent, Business sites, 75m2

Type: rent business sites Ostrava-Hulváky

Condition of property: after reconstrunction

14 500,- Kč

Rent, Offices, 60m2

Type: rent offices Frýdek-Místek

Condition of the office: very good

Discount 3%
12 987,- Kč
12 540,- Kč

Rent, Offices, 383m2

Type: rent offices Kolín

Condition of the office: very good

50 000,- Kč

Rent, Offices, 32m2

Type: rent offices Kolín

Condition of the office: very good

7 000,- Kč

Rent, Offices, 51m2

Type: rent offices Slušovice

Condition of the office: very good

6 680,- Kč

Rent, Business sites, 150m2

Type: rent business sites Plzeň-Východní Předměstí

Condition of property: good

20 000,- Kč

Pronájem, Garážové stání, Opava, 12 m²

Type: rent garage parking Opava-Město

Condition of property: good

1 200,- Kč

Rent, Business sites, 90m2

Type: rent business sites Plzeň-Jižní Předměstí

Condition of property: good

Information about price at Realtor

Rent, Offices, 120m2

Type: rent offices Bohumín

Condition of the office: good

14 520,- Kč

Rent, Stores, 500m2

Type: rent stores Ostrava-Mariánské Hory

Condition of the store: very good

150,- Kč

Rent, Flats, 1+1, 38m2

Type: rent flats Razová

Condition of the apartment: very good

7 500,- Kč
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