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Rent, Business sites, 87m2

Type: rent business sites Brno-Žabovřesky

Condition of property: very good

30 000,- Kč

Rent, Business sites, 305m2

Type: rent business sites Brno-Brno-město

Condition of property: very good

33 000,- Kč

Rent, Stores, 398m2

Type: rent stores Brno-Brno-jih

Condition of the store: very good

24 750,- Kč

Rent, Business sites, 143m2

Type: rent business sites Brno-Brno-Židenice

Condition of property: very good

31 460,- Kč

Rent, Offices, 250m2

Type: rent offices Brno-Brno-Židenice

Condition of the office: very good

49 500,- Kč

Rent, Offices, 98m2

Type: rent offices Brno-Brno-Židenice

Condition of the office: very good

21 650,- Kč

Rent, Offices, 57m2

Type: rent offices Brno-Židenice

Condition of the office: after reconstrunction

12 900,- Kč

Rent, Offices, 82m2

Type: rent offices Brno-Židenice

Condition of the office: good

Discount 5%
18 778,- Kč
17 800,- Kč

Rent, Offices, 99m2

Type: rent offices Brno-Trnitá

Condition of the office: very good

24 750,- Kč

Rent, Production, 13751m2

Type: rent production Brno

Condition of property: very good

Information about price at Realtor

Rent, Stores, 204m2

Type: rent stores Brno-Trnitá

Condition of the store: good

14 514,- Kč

Rent, Offices, 237m2

Type: rent offices Brno-Zábrdovice

Condition of the office: very good

48 272,- Kč

Rent, Offices, 40m2

Type: rent offices Brno

Condition of the office: very good

11 000,- Kč

Rent, Stores, 2159m2

Type: rent stores Brno

Condition of the store: very good

Information about price at Realtor

Rent, Offices, 39m2

Type: rent offices Brno-Brno-město

Condition of the office: very good

6 290,- Kč
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