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Prodej chalupy s velkým pozemkem v Českém Švýcarsku

Type: sale cottages Krásná Lípa

Condition of the cottage: good

2 890 000,- Kč

Ideální pozemek pro rodinný dům nebo rekreační objekt.

Type: sale cottages Doubravice

Condition of the cottage: before reconstruction

3 500 000,- Kč

Prodej chaty, 66 m², Mnichovice, pozemek 681 m²

Type: sale cottages Mnichovice Mnichovice

Condition of the cottage: good

5 407 500,- Kč

Prodej chaty, 80 m², Světlá Hora

Type: sale cottages Světlá Hora

Condition of the cottage: very good

3 450 000,- Kč

Prodej chaty, 135 m², Jáchymov

Type: sale cottages Jáchymov

Condition of the cottage: very good

5 302 500,- Kč

Prodej chalupy, 161 m², Chlum u Blatné

Type: sale cottages Chlum

Condition of the cottage: very good

5 199 000,- Kč

Prodej chalupy, 140 m², Rovensko pod Troskami, ul. Sokolovo

Type: sale cottages Rovensko pod Troskami

Condition of the cottage: under construction

3 750 000,- Kč

Prodej chalupy, 4+kk, 165 m², Velké Hamry

Type: sale cottages Velké Hamry

Condition of the cottage: very good

10 300 000,- Kč

Prodej chalupy, Bouzov - Bezděkov

Type: sale cottages Bouzov

Condition of the cottage: good

Information about price at Realtor

Prodej chaty, 166 m², Nový Bor, ul. Hřebenka

Type: sale cottages Nový Bor

Condition of the cottage: very good

670 000,- Kč

Prodej chalupy, 80 m², Světlá Hora

Type: sale cottages Světlá Hora

Condition of the cottage: very good

3 450 000,- Kč

Prodej chaty, 11 m², Krnov, ul. Úvoz

Type: sale cottages Krnov

Condition of the cottage: good

310 000,- Kč

Prodej chaty, Ludvíkov

Type: sale cottages Ludvíkov

Condition of the cottage: good

3 290 000,- Kč

Prodej chalupy, 253 m², Lestkov

Type: sale cottages Lestkov

Condition of the cottage: before reconstruction

1 750 000,- Kč

Prodej chalupy, Jívka - Horní Vernéřovice

Type: sale cottages Jívka

Condition of the cottage: good

3 590 000,- Kč
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