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Sale, Flats, 3+1, 80m2

price:  3 300 000,- Kčsleva 6%

Disposition: flats Added: 1.7.2024
Property type: 3+1 Condition of property: good
Floor area: 80 m2 Ownership: -

Address: Nerudova, Chodov, Sokolov
V zastoupení našeho klienta Vám exkluzivně nabízíme ke koupi byt 3+1 (3+kk) s velkou lodžií a garáží, který se včetně garáže nachází v bytovém domě v ulici Nerudova v Chodově. Dům byl dostavěn a zkolaudován v roce 2003. Jedná se o cihlovou zateplenou stavbu situovanou do jedné z neklidnějších částí Chodova a přitom nedaleko jeho centra. Byt se nachází ve 2. nadzemním podlaží domu, g

Sale, Persistent vegetation, 2694m2

Type: sale land persistent vegetation Nový Hrádek

Land area: 2694m2

212 900,- Kč

Sale, Persistent vegetation, 2887m2

Type: sale land persistent vegetation Nový Hrádek

Land area: 2887m2

228 100,- Kč

Sale, Persistent vegetation, 5881m2

Type: sale land persistent vegetation Mirošovice Mirošovice

Land area: 5881m2

Discount 11%
910 000,- Kč
810 000,- Kč

Sale, Agricultural land, 8800m2

Type: sale land agricultural land Myslejovice

Land area: 8800m2

Discount 19%
1 080 000,- Kč
870 000,- Kč

Prodej garáže, 18 m², Louny, ul. Postoloprtská

Type: sale garages Louny

Condition of property: very good

Discount 14%
399 000,- Kč
345 000,- Kč

Sale, Persistent vegetation, 2108m2

Type: sale land persistent vegetation Lovčice

Land area: 2108m2

206 584,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Nýrsko

Condition of the house: good

Discount 9%
10 800 000,- Kč
9 800 000,- Kč

Sale, Agricultural land, 11645m2

Type: sale land agricultural land Pavlov

Land area: 11645m2

1 374 110,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Ústí nad Labem-Ústí nad Labem-město

Condition of the house: before reconstruction

Information about price at Realtor

Sale, Hotels and guest-houses, 910m2

Type: sale hotels and guest-houses Nýrsko

Condition of the hotel: good

Discount 9%
10 800 000,- Kč
9 800 000,- Kč

Sale, For housing, 2102m2

Type: sale land for housing Děčín

Land area: 2102m2

3 310 650,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Svor

Condition of the house: before reconstruction

Discount 13%
2 290 000,- Kč
1 999 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses, Family, 0m2

Type: sale houses Čehovice

Condition of the house: very good

Information about price at Realtor

Sale, Garden, 203m2

Type: sale land garden Nejdek

Garden area: 203m2

Discount 9%
560 500,- Kč
510 500,- Kč

Sale, Business sites, 297m2

Type: sale business sites Český Těšín

Condition of property: good

9 147 780,- Kč
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