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Sale, Business sites, 1097m2

Type: sale business sites Varnsdorf

Condition of property: very good

Discount 25%
19 990 000,- Kč
15 000 000,- Kč

Rent, Production, 460m2

Type: rent production Česká Kamenice

Condition of property: good

25 000,- Kč

Rent, Production, 10000m2

Type: rent production Rumburk

Condition of property: new building

Information about price at Realtor

Sale, Production, 1054m2

Type: sale production Rumburk 1

Condition of property: very good

6 980 000,- Kč

Rent, Business sites, 80m2

Type: rent business sites Hřensko

Condition of property: good

15 000,- Kč

Rent, Stores, 1609m2

Type: rent stores Děčín

Condition of the store: good

48 270,- Kč

Rent, Production, 135m2

Type: rent production Děčín

Condition of property: good

10 812,- Kč

Rent, Stores, 915m2

Type: rent stores Děčín

Condition of the store: good

32 025,- Kč

Rent, Production, 639m2

Type: rent production Děčín

Condition of property: good

44 800,- Kč

Rent, Stores, 694m2

Type: rent stores Děčín

Condition of the store: good

24 290,- Kč

Rent, Production, 86m2

Type: rent production Děčín

Condition of property: good

7 439,- Kč

Rent, Production, 328m2

Type: rent production Děčín

Condition of property: good

21 320,- Kč

Sale, Houses for hire, 157m2

Type: sale houses for hire Dolní Poustevna

Condition of property: before reconstruction

1 800 000,- Kč

Sale, Houses for hire, 2000m2

Type: sale houses for hire Varnsdorf

Condition of property: good

Discount 5%
18 800 000,- Kč
17 800 000,- Kč

Rent, Others, 120m2

Type: rent other commercial properties and estates Česká Kamenice

Condition of property: after reconstrunction

12 000,- Kč
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