Key: esc
Key: esc
43 077 550 Kč (50 per m²)

Agricultural land of 86 hectares in the Nalžovské hory

Nalžovské Hory, Nalžovské Hory


We exclusively offer for sale a set of agricultural land in Nalžovské Hory, with a small part located in the cadastres of Hradešice and Smrkovec. The majority is high-quality arable land (62ha), with a smaller part being permanent grassland (23 ha) and the rest (1 ha) being other land. The land is leased until 2025 for 470 EUR/ha/year. Payment is preferred in EUR, with a conversion rate of 2 EUR/m2 based on the current exchange rate. All further details will be provided during the viewing.

Land 861 551 m²
Property Ad ID PS232023


Contact informations
Pavel Smíšek
Realitní Samoobsluha s.r.o.

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